Research, conservation, and education on plants

The Mandragora Foundation was born with an aim to preserve, share and develop knowledge. We want to work on the connections between information, our society, and plants with properties that can play an intimate role in the relationship we have with the living world they represent.
Knowledge can arise from different forms of understanding, different disciplines and cultures, different experiences and views. Future depends on our capability to learn how these views may not be contradictory, but complementary; our mission is to facilitate that learning.
Learning about plants
Thanks to donations, through acquisitions and planning new publications we are preparing a specialized physical library that will also offer documentation center services, thanks to digitalization, indexing and a dedicated search engine.
We acknowledge the interdisciplinary nature and the cultural diversity in all the recorded knowledge about plants. Beyond sharing it across community boundaries, we aspire to become a space for this knowledge to evolve.
Learning with plants
The loss in our European culture of a close relationship with medicinal and psychoactive plants is intertwined with their use as mere tools. With a seed bank and a garden project we want to invite plants themselves, so our community benefits from a direct connection to species either native or adapted to our territory.
Learning from plants
When we interact with a plant, whether we simply observe it, touch it, or ingest it in any form, we share information with it – we influence each other in some way. This type of communication has brought us healing, new experiences and important discoveries and insights – both collective and individual.
We envision a society that enjoys a knowledgeable, responsible and respectful relationship with plants – and the world they made it possible for us to live in.
Mandragora Foundation Team
work process
Our Roadmap: From Vision to Reality
Q2 2024
- Drafting of Statutes and foundational documentation
- Formation of the Board of Directors
- Viability study
Q3 2024
- Foundation constitution
- First development stage for the Library: Outline and Technical study
- Creation of Art, logos and graphic design elements
Q4 2024
- Website design and development
- Communication starts: social networks, mailing list, first Foundation presentation events
- Second development stage for the Library: Hiring a Library and Information Science specialist, server setup, start of cataloging
- Planning for periodic publications
- Seed Bank space design
Q1 2025
- First HQ for Library and Seed Bank established
- Third development stage for the Library: Furnishing, cataloging and digitizing, consultation terminals setup
- Project start for the Ethnobotanical Garden: Hiring a Botanical Garden Design and Landscaping specialist
- Library purchases program starts
- Seed Bank space installation
Q2 2025
- Last development stage for the Library: final cataloging, OPAC publication
- Seed Bank activity starts
- First stage for the Ethnobotanical Garden project & development
- Library opening, Foundation presentation event
- First release of the Mandragora digital bulletin
Q3/Q4 2025
- Second stage for the Ethnobotanical garden project & development
- First Foundation network events
- First issue of the Mandragora magazine
- Search for space for the Ethnobotanical garden project
- Third stage for the Ethnobotanical garden project & development
- Acquisition of a space for the Ethnobotanical Garden and other Foundation facilities
- Construction project
Gratitude to Those Who Support Our Journey
We want to thank all the people who, bringing some of their time, expertise or encouragement, have contributed to the growth of the Mandragora Foundation.
Special thanks to:
José Afuera, Francisco Azorín, Pedro Caldentey, Will Druett, Marina Mas, Marta Molina, Fernando Pardo and family, Ramon Puig Domenech, Oscar Ruiz, Quim Tarinas, Juan Carlos Usó, Xavi Vidal, Benjamin A. Vierling